Recommended Reading
- Married and How to Stay That Way, Steven Carr, 1998, ACW Press.
- The Five Love Languages, Gary Chapman, 2004, Northfield Publishing.
- Love and Respect, Emerson Eggerichs, 2004, Integrity Publishing.
- Sacred Marriage, Gary Thomas, 2000, Zondervan.
- Sacred Parenting, Gary Thomas, 2004, Zondervan.
- Parenting Today’s Adolescent, Dennis Rainey, 1998, Nelson Publishing.
- The Disappearance of Childhood, Neil Postman, 1994, Vintage Press.
- The Magic Years, S.H. Fraiberg, 1959, Scribners Press.
- Raising a Modern Day Knight, Robert Lewis, 2007, Tyndale House.
Spiritual Growth and Health
- The Bible.
- Mere Christianity, C.S. Lewis, 1952.
- The Cost of Discipleship, Detrich Bonhoeffer, 1937.
- Knowing God, J.I. Packer, 1973, InterVarsity Press.
- The Screwtape Letters, C.S. Lewis, 1942, Harper-Collins.
Financial Health and Stewardship
- Using your Money Wisely, LarryBurkett, 1985, Crown Publishing.
- Sound Mind Investing, Austin Pryor, 2004.